40 research outputs found

    Branded apps in Spain as a means of communicating trends in fashion

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    Apps are of great interest and curiosity for the users of mobile phones, being already highly unloaded and used for the users of smartphones. The fashion mobile applications represent only a fraction of the mobile global applications (almost 0,2 %), nevertheless they are starting to deserve special attention from designers and researchers in this area. Brands want to know about the new trends in the market to be able to continue surprising and impressing their public. In this study, we seek to identify the most relevant aspects of the applications that help to improve the image of the Spanish prêt-à-porter fashion brands such as Zara, Pull and Bear, Stradivarius, Shana, Bimba y Lola,... The study considers the position in the ranking of downloads, the category, the opinions, valuations of the users and the criteria described by Jami Lawrence (2010): amusement, saving of time and / or comfort in the use. Findings: In this analysis, we seek to identify the most relevant aspects of the applications that help to improve the image of the brand, in this particular case of the Spanish prêt-à-porter fashion brands. - It is indispensable that the applications entertain the user, save time and / or comfort, we have observed that they are these characteristics those that are valued by the users. - Another factor that is valued in the applications, is that the application should make sense for the user and to have an added value that doesn't necessarily have to be related with the nature of the brand. - But it is important that applications to be developed have to be coherent with the identity of the brand. As in any other area, the appearance of new mass media, like the mobile, is the introduction of new challenges. – Finally, it is important for the brand to adapt constantly to the new technologies, but we must not forget that a precarious incorporation and badly developed app it can be more harmful than beneficial

    Apps como una posibilidad más de comunicación entre la marca y su público: un análisis basado en la valoración de los usuarios

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    La situación actual del mercado y del sector de las nuevas tecnologías genera la necesidad de que las marcas y las empresas, se comuniquen como entes sociales y a través de medios como las aplicaciones móviles. El presente artículo presenta el análisis de 24 marcas que cuentan con aplicaciones móviles (apps). Se ha tomado en cuenta para ello, la valoración que los usuarios dan a las aplicaciones. Específicamente el estudio se centra en herramientas destinadas al dispositivo iPhone. Las apps, representan a las marcas la posibilidad de contar con un soporte más para comunicarse con sus públicos

    Analysis of the communication management of Spanish pharmaceutical influencers on Instagram during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Introducción: Gracias a la consolidación de Internet, los usuarios tienen acceso a muchas fuentes de información sobre temas de salud, entre ellas se encuentran los influencers farmacéuticos que divulgan y crean contenido a partir de conocimientos científicos. Objetivo: La presente investigación se enfoca en analizar la gestión de la comunicación de los influencers farmacéuticos en Instagram durante la crisis del Coronavirus en España. Metodología: Se analizan las publicaciones realizadas por 6 profesionales farmacéuticos. El análisis se basa en observar qué tipo de contenido se publica en cuanto a temática, formatos y engagement. Resultados: Algunos de los datos más relevantes son que el formato video, aunque presente en menor número, es el que genera más interacción y, por otro lado, que en ningún caso se ha podido identificar si los influencers observados trabajan con contenido patrocinado. Las infografías informativas y el contenido explicativo que busca informar a la población sobre distintos aspectos relacionados al virus aparecieron, debido al número de interacciones, como muy útiles para concienciar al público de la gravedad de la situación. Conclusión: Finalmente, se llega a la conclusión de que no todos los influencers observados se han enfocado principalmente en generar contenido relacionado con el COVID-19.Introduction: Thanks to the consolidation of the Internet, users have access to many sources of information on health issues, including pharmaceutical influencers who disseminate and create content based on scientific knowledge. Objective: This research focuses on analyzing the communication management of pharmaceutical influencers on Instagram during the Coronavirus crisis in Spain. Methodology: The publications made by 6 pharmaceutical professionals are analyzed. The analysis is based on observing what type of content is published in terms of subject matter, formats and engagement. Results: Some of the most relevant data is that the video format, although present in fewer numbers, is the one that generates the most interaction and, on the other hand, that in no case has it been possible to identify whether the observed influencers work with sponsored content. The informative infographics and the explanatory content that seeks to inform the population about different aspects related to the virus appeared, due to the number of interactions, as very useful in raising public awareness of the seriousness of the situation. Conclusion: Finally, it is concluded that not all the influencers observed, during the period of the current health crisis, have focused mainly on generating content related to COVID-19

    An experimental research on emotional stimuli of consumers: the case of H&M flagship store influence on the millennial customer experience in Barcelona

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    Purpose: The main objective of this exploratory research study was to demonstrate the extent to which customers' approach-avoidance responses to fast fashion flagship stores can be predicted from their emotional states framed according to the PAD (Pleasure, Arousal, and Dominance) model and information rates. Design/methodology/approach: Data was collected through a survey questionnaire from 72 randomly selected millennials visiting H&M flagship store, just after their visit (55% women and 45% men). Data was analysed using exploratory factor analysis to classify the measures and later through regression analysis explaining the predictor variables. Findings: In accordance with the theory and past research on PAD measures, results show PAD as a highly predictable variable over most of the approach-avoidance behaviour in a flagship store environment. Pleasure variable shows highly significant relationship with affect, approach-avoidance (average of all measures of approach-avoidance), and time spent in the store and to an extent significantly relates to purchase intentions. This signifies that in a highly pleasant environment, an individual’s affectionate behaviour, to remain exploring in the store for a longer time, and on an average the approach behaviour to the flagship store will be highly positive. Originality/value: This study is a unique exploration, as very little is known in the literature, on flagship store influences over consumer experiences. Findings suggest interesting advancement in the field of in person shopping effects and encourages future research in flagship store economic investments and marketing impacts, which may extend consumer behavioural scopes as well. This exploratory research may have implications of interest for business strategic decision, brand management, and for marketing as well. As brands seek to recover consumers in their physical stores, offering them a safer and more complete shopping experience, flagship stores can play a key role in encouraging online customers’ visiting stores in-person, which may ultimately increase salesPeer Reviewe

    Consumo de Medios Digitales por niños y preadolescentes en Cataluña, España

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    The focus of this study is patterns of use of digital media, which are the most popular platforms and what control that parents impose on the consumption of digital media. We analyzed children aged between 7 and 10 years old and pre-teenagers aged between 11 and 12 years old. These groups are those who influence the medium-term trends. The results show that digital media are present in the everyday life of children, who regularly consume their preferred contents. They can be powerful if they can recognize and use their power in this culture of convergence as users.El objetivo este estudio es conocer los patrones de uso de los medios digitales, las plataformas más usadas y entender los controles parentales que se ejercen sobre niños de entre 7 y 10 años y preadolescentes de entre 11 y 12 años, los grupos que serán influenciados a medio plazo por las nuevas tendencias. Los resultados muestran que los medios digitales están presentes en la vida cotidiana de los niños, que consumen regularmente sus contenidos preferidos. Estos resultados pueden ser de gran alcance si es posible reconocer y utilizar su poder como usuarios en esta cultura de la convergencia digital

    Exploration of the nonprofessional profile of the fashion micro instagramer in Spain

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    La evolución de las redes sociales en general y de Instagram en particular, ha propiciado el nacimiento y la proliferación de los influenciadores digitales, una figura que toma el relevo de los bloggers de moda y que ha logrado captar la atención de los profesionales de la comunicación del sector debido a su potencial en la generación de engagement con su público. El objetivo de la presente investigación es conocer el perfil de los micro fashion influencers, sus casuísticas y los protocolos de actuación que utilizan en la gestión de sus cuentas de Instagram. Para ello, se ha realizado una investigación cualitativa mediante una entrevista semiestructurada sobre una muestra seleccionada a través de la técnica no probabilística de bola de nieve. En concreto, entre mayo y junio de 2018 se realizó el trabajo de campo sobre un grupo de 10 micro instagramers de moda en España. A través de cuatro preguntas de investigación, se analiza de qué manera interactúan los micro instagramers, la relación que mantienen con las marcas y empresas de comunicación, cómo son sus publicaciones y qué motivaciones tienen para estar activos en la citada red social. Las respuestas de las micro instagramers, que acumulan una audiencia total de 240.439 seguidores, apuntan que se trata de un perfil no profesionalizado caracterizado por la ausencia de acuerdos de colaboración y una mínima remuneración económica. Además, son conscientes de sus carencias técnicas a la hora de realizar y editar sus posts.The evolution of social networks in general, and Instagram in particular, has led to the emergence and proliferation of digital influencers, a figure that has taken over from fashion bloggers and managed to capture the attention of communication professionals in the sector due to their potential to generate engagement with their public. The objective of the present research is to determine the profile of micro fashion influencers, their casuistics, and the protocols of action that they use when managing their Instagram accounts. For this, qualitative research was carried out through a semistructured interview of a sample selected using the nonprobabilistic snowball technique. Specifically, between May and June 2018, fieldwork was carried out with a group of ten fashion micro instagramers in Spain, analyzing four research questions regarding how micro instagramers interact with and their relationship with brands and communication companies, the nature of their publications, and their motivations for being active on the mentioned social network. The responses of the micro instagramers, with a combined audience of 240,439 followers, suggest that their nonprofessional profile is characterized by the absence of collaboration agreements and minimum economic remuneration. In addition, they are aware of their technical deficiencies when creating and editing their posts

    The Challenge of Regulating a Non-Professionalized Profile: Fashion Microinstagramers

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    En la actualidad, la falta de regulación específica y la ambigüedad en la legislación española propician que muchos instagramers no se sientan obligados a dar a conocer que el contenido que publican es publicitario. Por contra, en países como Estados Unidos o Reino Unido llevan la delantera en esta materia, aunque en España se está empezando a regular a través de la asociación Autocontrol de la publicidad. El presente estudio analiza cómo un grupo de micro influencers de moda españoles en Instagram adoptan las exigencias actuales de regulación en sus publicaciones. Gracias a su estudio y teniendo en cuenta la actual legislación española, hemos podido observar que los micro instagramers de moda no incumplen la ley ya que tan solo se exige que los receptores de la información publicitaria queden «claramente informados de que están ante una pieza publicitaria, aunque sin que deba aparecer la palabra publicidad» (IAB Spain, 2016, p).At present, the lack of specific regulation and the ambiguity of the Spanish legislation mean that many instagramers do not feel obliged to mention that the content they publish contains adverts. In countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom, this is strongly regulated. Regulation is beginning in Spain via the «Autocontrol de la publicidad» association. This study analyzes how a group of Spanish fashion micro-influencers adopt the current regulation re-quirements in their publications on Instagram. In our study, we have been able to observe that the fashion micro-instagramers do not break the law as it is only required that the public is informed that «they are in front of an advertis-ing piece.  The word ‘advert’ does not need to appear in the content. (IAB Spain, 2016)

    La premsa comarcal i el consum de noves pantalles

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    La investigació es centra en la visió dels mitjans de proximitat i el consum de d’aquests mitjans en el marc de la convergència digital a Catalunya. No és cap misteri l’aparició de nous hàbits de consum de continguts dels mitjans de comunicació nous i vells, on uns prefereixen, la premsa, la televisió i la ràdio, i d’altres amplien l’experiència i/o prefereixen la consulta de portals web, xarxes socials o continguts per internet a través de, dispositius mòbils, consoles de vídeojocs, etc. La recerca esta està dividida en dos grans blocs: per una banda, un estudi qualitatiu amb entrevistes en profunditat als responsables de mitjans comarcals sobre la seva visió com mitjà, i la seva trajectòria, i sobre els propis lectors, radiooients, i seguidors, ; i per l’altra banda, un quantitatiu mitjançant a partir d’una enquesta online a residents a Catalunya sobre el consum de mitjans. Les conclusions mostren una radiografia de l’actual ecosistema mediàtic a Catalunya.The research focuses on the use of local media and media consumption in the context of digital convergence in Catalonia. The emergence of new consumption habits of content and new and old media where some prefer the press, television & radio, and others prefer to use websites, social networks, mobile devices & game consoles, etc is no surprise. The research is divided into two major groups: (1) A qualitative study with interviews of those responsible for regional media and through their use, experience on the readers, listeners and supporters, and (2) A quantitative online survey of residents in Catalonia on media consumption. The findings show a snapshot of the current media ecosystem in Catalonia

    Consumo y convergencia mediática de la prensa local en Cataluña

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    Los nuevos hábitos de consumo de medios en el marco de la convergencia digital están propiciando un cambio en las estrategias de los medios de comunicación. Mientras unos usuarios siguen prefiriendo la radio, la televisión y la prensa tradicional para informarse otros participan de la experiencia digital en internet (blogs, redes sociales...) y dispositivos móviles, etc. En este panorama es complicado precisar dónde nace y termina el contenido o hasta qué punto es la participación del usuario quien (re) construye la información; así los contenidos mutan y se diluyen en varios soportes. En este contexto, la prensa local también vive las consecuencias del nuevo paradigma y asume los retos del reacomodo del sector ante la nueva realidad. Esta comunicación presenta las conclusiones del estudio cualitativo con entrevistas en profundidad a los responsables de medios locales en Cataluña sobre sus usuarios, contenidos y soportes en el marco de la convergencia digital.The new habits of consumption of the media in the frame of the digital convergence are propitiating a change in the strategies of the mass media. Meanwhile some people still prefer the radio, the television and the traditional press; others prefer the digital media in Internet (blogs, social networks ...) and mobile devices. It is complicated to know where the content begins and ends. Also, it is difficult to know if is the participation of the user who (re) constructs the information because the contents mutate and are diluted in several supports. In this context, the local press also lives through the consequences of the new paradigm and assumes the challenges of the rearrangement of the sector to the new reality. This paper presents the conclusions of a qualitative study with interviews in depth to the directors of local media in Catalonia about users, contents and supports in the frame of the digital convergence